Från Markinvest får du de certifikat som behövs för Ryssland och Tullunionen 

Markinvest är en kunnig och pålitlig samarbetspartner inom certifiering. Exporttjänsterna till Ryssland började 1992 och GOST R-certifieringstjänsterna för finska och svenska företag 1993. Markinvest Oy grundades 1985. 


Markinvests certifieringstjänster 

Vi levererar certifikatet som en ”nyckelfärdig” tjänst – processen är transparent, pålitlig, lätt, enkel och smidig.  


Förhandsutredning – analys av certifieringsbehov och optimal certifieringslösning. 

Vi gör en analys av kundernas certifieringsbehov och tillhandahåller ett optimalt certifieringsalternativ, en redogörelse för alla nödvändiga handlingar, tester och övriga åtgärder samt vilka dokument och certifikat som krävs. Kostnaden för förhandsutredningen krediterar vi i samband med certifieringsarbetet. 

DocumentsWhen to applyCustomsSalesIntroduction
Applies when the product is subject to
TR CU / TR EAEU regulations
State Registration
Applies for certain product groups:
Proof of “Hygiene and Sanitary”
(epidemiological) safety
Export statement from
hygiene authorities
Mainly, a voluntary document that
certifies of the hygiene and sanitary
(epidemiological) safety
Industry Security export
Applies if appliance is used for
hazardous industrial purposes
Applies if the product does not belong to
TR CU products but belongs to GOST R
Voluntary certification -
systems certificate
Applies as a supplementary quality
and safety certificate. The most
popular is the voluntary GOST R
certificate. Often required for
products intended for specific
sectors, business needs, etc., e.g.
Gazprom certificate, Rossstroi
certification – certification system for
building materials, services, etc., in
the construction industry
Certificates of approval for
types of measuring

Applies for measuring equipment.
Often required for control devices.

A regular test document that assures
that the measuring device is
functioning properly and measures

Fire safety Certificates /
Declarations. (TR EAEU
043 or TR RF)
Applies for products that guarantee
fire safety. Certain products are
covered by TR EAEU 043 and others
are covered by TR RF “Fire Safety.”
Marine / river registerApplies when the product is used on

board ship or at marine locations
Registration certificate for health care equipmentApplies for equipment used in health
care facilities
FSB (Russian Security
Agency) Notification
Applies when the device has
cryptographic features
The Ministry Of Communications Declaration (Declaration MinSvjaz)Applies when terminals are to be sold
which connect to a unified
telecommunications network
GOST K certificates for
Required for export✔️✔️✔️
BelCT certificates for
Required for export✔️✔️✔️